Koro is now connected to the drinking water network

Koro is now connected to the drinking water network

The Minister of Hydraulics, Laurent Tchagba, went on Saturday, November 24, 2018 to the village of Koro, 22 km from the city of Kouto, to proceed with the inauguration of a drinking water supply facility in said village.

This infrastructure was built by the State of Côte d'Ivoire through the National Office for Drinking Water (Onep) as part of the program called "Water for All" which aims to facilitate access to water. drinking water for 95% of the Ivorian population by 2020.

During this ceremony, Minister Laurent Tchagba reassured the people of the government's firm desire to make drinking water available to the entire Ivorian population.

This ambitious government program provides for the servicing and maintenance of 22,000 human-powered pumps distributed throughout the territory and the construction of 6,000 boreholes powered by solar systems, he said.

The Koro drinking water supply infrastructure was financed by the Water Development Fund (FDE) to the tune of 152,698,902 FCFA including tax. It consists in particular of a 12m borehole3/h, a water tower and nearly 7,892 km of pipeline, including 6,174 for the distribution network. It is an urban-type hydraulic system that will be operated by the Water Distribution Company of Côte d'Ivoire (Sodeci) and should allow the connection of several neighboring villages.


Previous Drinking water for the populations of Carrefour Norbert

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