The PREMU is one of the projects with a strong social impact according to the World Bank

The PREMU is one of the projects with a strong social impact according to the World Bank

From June 21 to 27, 2022, at the Palm Club Hotel located in Cocody, a World Bank mission had an exchange meeting with the actors involved in the implementation of the Project to Strengthen Drinking Water Supply in the Middle Urban (PREMU).

The entities represented were the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Hydraulics, Sanitation and Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Development , CC-PREMU, AC-PREMU, CF-PREMU, ONEP, ONAD, SODECI and CI-ENERGIES.

Les sept (7)  jours de travail ont démarré par la présentation des objectifs de la mission, à savoir : la validation du programme de la mission et la revue des termes de l’accord de financement et des indicateurs des résultats. S’en est suivi, une série de réunions, au cours desquelles, le Chef de projet PREMU-ONEP, M. KOMENAN Francis, par ailleurs Conseiller Technique du Directeur Général de l’ONEP, a présenté le rapport bilan du PREMU, qui a été félicité par la mission de la Banque Mondiale pour l’efficacité avec laquelle le projet a été conduit.

The mission did not fail to say that the PREMU is the best project in the World Bank's portfolio at the national level and is one of the projects with a strong social impact.

A ce titre, elle s’est engagée à doubler le budget de financement de la composante de la ressource en eau compte tenu de la problématique de la sécurité de l’eau face au changement climatique et la mise en place du plan COVID.

Also, the World Bank has agreed to update the unit prices of hydraulic and electromechanical equipment used to connect populations to drinking water.  

However, it noted that the change in the time limit made in the processing of invoices, which has now gone from 21 to 33 days, had caused the extension of the payments of the successive deferred payments of the financial control during the verification of the services rendered.

 The World Bank's mission ended with a presentation of the conclusions to the Ministry of Economy and Finance on June 28, 2022.

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