For five (5) days, ONEP's Strategic Plan Technical Committee met to examine all the documents relating to the Strategic Plan for the period from 2022 to 2025. It was from November 16 to 20, 2021 in Bassam, that the focal points of the Directorates and services have conducted reflections on the narrative of the strategic diagnosis, the proposed theory of change, the proposed results framework and the proposed action matrix.
A framework that has enabled all the members of the Strategic Plan Technical Committee to refine with the Consultant the support document likely to implement ONEP's overall strategy for drinking water services over four (4) years. in Ivory Coast.
To carry out this Strategic Plan review workshop, the work took place in groups and in plenary. The three groups formed intervened, respectively on the supply of drinking water, the demand for drinking water and the capacities of ONEP. But well before the start of the group work, the Consultant made, remotely via “Teams”, a framing presentation on the objectives, the expected results and the work agenda.
While following these orientations, the participants were able to address all the questions of drinking water services, directions by direction as well as the related services, up to the resulting budgets. The restitution of the work was done in the presence of the Consultant, in plenary and made it possible to harmonize the points of view and certain technical aspects in the formulation of the wordings.
At this session, the Consultant did not fail to remove certain ambiguities on the indicators by proceeding to more in-depth explanations, in order to allow the focal points to be better equipped in the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
This is to enable ONEP to easily achieve its objectives. As a reminder, this workshop follows the one conducted from October 25 to 30, 2021 during which the focal points made the diagnosis of the said Strategic Plan.